As a result of three recent legal issues, Florida businesses will be seeing an average Worker’s Compensation rate increase of…
We at Insurance Resources are happy to announce that on April 6, 2016, Governor Rick Scott signed into law Senate…
On April 28, 2016 the US House of Representatives passed The Flood Insurance Market Parity & Modernization Act (HR 2901)….
The Office of Insurance Regulation just approved policy language changes for Citizens policyholders. The new policy language is meant to…
Would you like it stacked or non-stacked? We’re not referring to the way you prefer your pancakes. We are referring…
An elevation certificates (EC) is a document used to determine your home’s Flood Insurance premium and to provide elevation information…
Worker’s Compensation is a highly recommended, but often forgotten coverage for associations of all sizes. For a relatively low premium…
Private market flood insurance refers to insurance coverage provided by non-governmental, for-profit companies. Carriers like Lloyd’s of London, Lexington, and…