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Stacked or Non-Stacked?

By April 22, 2016June 9th, 2020Auto

Would you like it stacked or non-stacked? We’re not referring to the way you prefer your pancakes. We are referring to your auto insurance policy’s Uninsured Motorist coverage.

Uninsured Motorist coverage pays for post-accident medical expenses or compensatory damages, you & your passengers might suffer after being in a collision with an uninsured or underinsured at-fault party. According to a 2015 Insurance Research Council report, over 23% of Florida drivers are uninsured, ranking our state as the second highest, only being surpassed by Oklahoma. Therefore, the need to protect yourself should be of your utmost concern.

There are 2 types of Uninsured Motorist coverage, Stacked and Non-Stacked. Stacking coverage multiplies your Uninsured Motorist coverage in relation to how many cars you insure. For example, if you have 2 vehicles with stacked Uninsured Motorist Limits of $50,000/$100,000, both cars would be covered at $100,000/$200,000 for a single accident. If you had 3 cars, coverage would increase to $150,0000/$300,000.

If you had Non-Stacked coverage, you would only have $50,000/$100,000 limits regardless of the number of vehicles you have on your policy. As you can see one way individuals can protect themselves beyond just having Uninsured Motorist coverage is to “stack” coverage. Of course there is an additional premium for Stacked coverage as there is more coverage.

With the number of uninsured drivers in Florida, it is good idea to explore the costs of coverage for your particular situation. Our agents can quote the coverage on your current Auto policy, and can help you make an informed decision when it comes to purchasing your Auto coverage.

Please contact your agent or Brian Ford at with any questions.